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If you would like Microsoft to scan your computer and recommend updates, please see the preceding question. Items available as free downloads are linked to details pages, where you can learn more about them and initiate downloads. For your convenience, items available for purchase are linked directly to Microsoft Store. Every windows has had some spy crap but it was easy to stop win10 is just way over the top so they can keep the big old trojan :they call win 10 pure trash.The Microsoft Download Center has recently been revised to better serve you as a one-stop shop for products available for purchase, in addition to products and downloads available for free. turn it off all you want the os just turns it back on sad sad OS win10 is. And I did mega homework on the spy crap microsoft put in win 10 it can NOT be turned off. As well a X hacker I know also says win10 is full of back doors and a hackers dream come true so I am not going to touch this crap OS win10 it is junk. Shame on you microsoft and your Hitler os called win10. I agree win10 is a huge invasion of my human rights to privacy and I will not sell my soul to get directx12 they can keep the big old trojan called win10 :/ I have nothing to hide but something is very wrong when microsoft has full control on your PC from what you say on mic and every file and folder as well as emails, passwords visa etc Microsoft has it all. I am sorry! But the huge invasion of users privacy is moving backwards! Not forward! That's right so embrace the change as technology is always marching forward. Why the sad face? The Windows 10 upgrade will be free for you since you already have Windows 8.1.so rejoice!