
Lastpass premium price
Lastpass premium price

lastpass premium price

Many LastPass users are stupidly complaining. Still extremely inexpensive, right? No one would complain about that, right? Wrong. Yes, rather than $12 a year, it is now $24. Well, guess what? LastPass is doubling the monthly fee for the Premium tier from one dollar to two. For a single dollar every month, you can opt for a premium account that supports the developer and gives you a few exclusive features.

lastpass premium price

It even works on Linux desktop operating systems such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Chrome OS. LastPass in particular is great, as it is free to use and is cross-platform. Right now, a solution like LastPass or 1Password is the best we have, and I suggest it wholeheartedly. One alternative to a password manager is reusing the same password on numerous sites, and that is foolish behavior. Look, it is impossible to remember a unique password for countless web sites nowadays. With that said, the benefits outweigh the negatives. I understand the concerns about storing all of your login credentials in a single place - in the cloud no less. Whether or not password managers are a good idea is up for debate.

Lastpass premium price