There is a special follower in Whiterun called Toccatta. and you can hover your hand over the item you want to equip. Holding both triggers down on one controller will bring up the spell wheel. It will cause the item to fly towards you at which point you can press the grab button again to catch it. With HIGGS mod, you can point at things until they glow red and then hold the grab button down while gesturing away (pulling away). Then hit tilde key again to close console and head back in game to make your changes. Afterwards, you can get the race menu to show up in game by loading into the game, going back to your PC and ensuring the Skyrim window is "in focus" and then pressing the ~ key to bring up the console. I selected the merge option which seemed to work. When you install the VR one it will ask you about overwriting the other one. It seems that you have to install the normal version (non VR), and then install the RaceMenu VR version on top. If you want to change your character you can install another mod yourself into the list. As such, I reverted my save and just never travelled to Lorkhan. I couldn't find a way to fix this, it was still present after reloading the game. I found that if I travelled to Lorkhan, it broke my ability to grip things properly (from the supplied HIGGS mod). So, if the inventory item is greyed out, I think it's just on cooldown.

You can only use it once per (in game) day. You will have a power under magic section that you can equip to travel to Lorkhan. After that, you can launch the modded version and load your save form that point and play modded. To get around this, you can start Skyrim non-modded and play through the opening until you finish the Helgen part.

It started me in the normal Skyrim opening and it was bugged right from the beginning. This modpack did not start me in Lorkhan (alternate start location) even though that mod is installed.

I am using Mod Organizer 2 after installation of the modlist with Wabbajack: It can be a bit overwhelming with so many changes but here are a few things I have learned so far. I recently built a PC to play VR Skyrim with my Quest 2, and went with the version 0.9 VR edition - 11 years of Skyrim ultimate graphics mod pack, on nexus mods. Hopefully this post will provide someone something useful based on my beginner experience modding VR Skyrim using this modlist, as well as teaching me a thing or two from other replies.