
Download ufl instructure
Download ufl instructure

download ufl instructure

Lms.js?AWSAccessKeyId= AKIAJFNFXH2V2O7RPCAA&Expires= 1438694062&Signature= jDjxxu4DWnSjjvtpaqmDk1jvK0I…: 28 Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin " " from accessing a frame with origin " ".

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Protocols, domains, and ports must match. js%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF- 8%27%27lms.js:28 Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin " " from accessing a frame with origin " ". Here are the errors occurring when Storyline freezes:

download ufl instructure

I do not know enough about java scripting to understand why the errors occur, but I see that Instructure is trying access files from an Amazon Cloud service and the UF LMS is not going to allow it. Did a little digging and found that Storyline 2 is generating java script errors. Login, Dpartment Directory, Student Resources, Helpful Resources, Protecting UF Information, About myFUL and Alert Notices.

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